There's only one type of personal trainer more deluded than the guarantee seeker from yesterday's musings and that in my humble opinion is the freebie seeker.
The freebie seeker thinks he (or she) can build a thriving and financially rewarding PT business using free tools.
They hand around in packs in groups asking questions like:
“Does anyone know any free or cheap software to do x or where can I get a cheap website”
They might try and build a website using wix or go for the cheapest web designer they can find, blindingly oblivious to the fact that design has nothing to do with getting clients to take action on their crappy sites.
They go for mail chimp to build an email list because it's Free. (I mean why should they pay when they can get something for free)
They rely on free traffic from google or Facebook that may not even come and the worst sin of all that freebie seeking personal trainer makes if they work in a commercial gym?
They work for the gym for free rent giving away 60 hours per month to save £500 when he could be filling those 60 hours for 60 x £40 and earn £2400.
Instead, he is 60 hours down before he even starts to earn a penny. The smart trainer has a £1,900 head start because he is not a freebie seeker.
Freebie seekers don't understand the vale of investing in their business.
Investing in paying rent to free up your time and leverage your income.
Investing in email software that can be automated and that gets emails in people's inboxes.
Investing in a website for their business that will grow their email list and provide them with a steady stream of leads and sell more people onto their personal training packages.
Understanding that they don't have to rely on dropping prices to sell more because freebie seekers attract freebie seeker clients and cheapos.
^^^^ Fact
Gotta shoot have the parents coming over from Ireland today to meet Liam Jnr for the 1st time, have a great weekend.
Internet Fitpro
Personal Trainer Websites For Investment Minded Personal Trainers.