I love watching Sherlock on TV and even the American Copycat version called Elementary with Johnny Lee Miller, you known the dude from Trainspotting.
Holmes is one clever mo fo and he always gets his man because he always know what the bad guys next move is going to be. He essentially reads their minds.
Most PT's think they know what their clients want, but they couldn't be further from the truth.
That's why they be selling the shit out of PT, Fitness, Classes. Bootcamps, groupon deals, discounts, cheap sessions.
“Buy 10 sessions get 2 free”
“Bootcamp starts next week, who wants in?”
Shouting “Buy my shit” all over Facebook like desperadoes or big issue sellers.
It doesn't have to be that way
Let me tell you this for free, my broccoli munching, dead lifting amigo
People are not buying that stuff. Most people actually hate fitness.
That's why you have to go all Sherlock Holmes on your market and analyse what they really want.
Does a 30 year old woman really want PT or Fitness Classes or does she want weight loss?
Which one is it?
Well if you said either you would be dead wrong.
She wants to feel more confident, happier and wants her husband or boyfriend to fancy her. That my friend is more powerful than any fitness stuff. That is why learning to speak to your market by developing an avatar is so powerful.
Stop selling fitness and start learning how to go all Sherlock on your potential clients, so you can talk their language and give them what they really want.
Invest in your business today and let us sort your online presence and we'll show you exactly how to do this so you can stop stressing about where your next clients are coming from.
Its Elementary
^^^^^^sign up here now^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Liam and Matt
Internet Fitpro
Client Getting websites for PT's