Even 6 years later I still shudder when i think about it. It was a successful online sports nutrition business based in Liverpool or at least I thought it was at the time.
We were turning over £750,000 a year selling sports supplements mostly on the internet
At the time I felt like Billy Big Bollocks.
Then the recession hit, right at the same time that we decided to expand and bam, just like that the company was gone (bought by a competitor out of administration).
I was gutted yet strangely relieved at the same time.
I went from a comfortable £52k a year salary with a company car to basically nothing in the space of a few months.
No income, a huge mortgage and no help from the dole office because I had a lodger in my house paying me £300 a month (not even 25% of my mortgage).
How I managed to not go bankrupt at the time I don't know to this day. It was easily the most stressful time of my life.
In fact it still hurts to think about it and write this, but it has taught me a huge lesson.
No matter how bad things go in business, if you can dust yourself off and get back on the horse then you can easily get back to where you were.
It makes taking risks less risky.
In fact It took me 10 years to build my 1st business to where it was.
I was able to get back to pre 2009 levels in less than 4 years from a standing start and no money.
I reckon if the same thing happened again, I could do it in 12 months.
How come?
Simple: I've invested in me.
Learning how to sell, be a marketer and I'm still learning. Skills that most PTs neglect, instead focusing on Reps points, or the next animal flow or Kettle-bell course.
Spending money on REPs points that don't pay the bills or get clients.
Might make you a better trainer, but there are plenty of great trainers out there who are broke.
Newsflash: Your clients don't care how many reps points you have or what Chek course you have done.
The investment in courses like this may make you a better trainer but do you get a return on your investment?
That should always be the key question. Whats my return on investment?
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