July 11, 2016     /    Personal Trainer Websites    /    Internet FitPro

What a day for watching sport yesterday. The F1, The Wimbledon final and topped off by the Euro 2016 final in Paris.

Honestly, I thought France were going to win it, they really looked classy in the tournament, but Portugal managed to grind out results all the way through and the end result is the only thing that count when it comes to success and winning championships.

Here is what the Portugal coach Fernando Santos said before the game.

“I would prefer to play ugly football and still be in the competition than play fancy football and be out like many of the other teams who have been sent home.”

The result is the only thing that matters.

Period. And that's what they did and why they are waking up this morning as European champions..

Truth is that one will remember the fancy football played by France, only the result.

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